These are some of the courses that are representative for what I learned. For more information about these courses, look at the course catalog.
Physics courses (bachelor)
- Calculus (I, II, III)
- Linear Algebra (I and II)
- Electronics and Signal Processing
- Advanced Signal Processing
CS and AI courses (bachelor & pre-master)
- Programming In C/C++ (Parts I and II)
- Problem Analysis and Software Design
- Advanced Algorithms and Data Structures
- Advanced Logic
- Compiler Construction
- Language and Speech Technology
AI courses (master)
- Neural Networks and Computational Intelligence
- Deep Learning
- Pattern Recognition
- Handwriting Recognition
- Design of Multi-Agent Systems
- Logical Aspects of Multi-agent Systems
- Cognitive Robotics
- Robotics for Industrial Engineering and Management
CS courses (master)
- Web and Cloud Computing
- Fundamentals of Distributed Systems
- Formal Analysis of Communicating Systems
- Advanced Parallel Programming
- Computer Vision
- Participated in 32nd European Summer School for Logic, Language and Information